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Accelerated Learning

¡No hay tarea!  

No hay tareas ni exámenes. Esto significa que el medio ambiente es completamente seguro. Los errores no se consideran fallas. Más bien, los errores se guían para corregirlos con humor y apoyo.

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¡Lo que nos importa!

An AL class has distinguishing characteristics from a traditional language learning experience. AL does not teach grammar. Accelerated Learning begins from the foundational assumption that language is most effectively acquired in the same way that children originally acquire their native languages. Therefore, immersion is a first priority for AL.

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Since children do not acquire native languages by first learning grammar, AL does not include grammar as part of its curriculum. AL does not emphasize memorization.


Learners integrate whole phrases, words and concepts in the second language and then access those elements organically through experiential methods.

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